Workshop Chi kung & Tai chi Monnickendam ; Inner Circle
November 24
23 Februari
30 Maart
20 April
25 Mei
29 Juni
In this workshop we will take the day to come together to explore the basic principles of Qigong and Taiji to improve our training and integrate it into our daily lives.
The workshop is full of relaxation and support. Grounding and expensiveness.
We will also practice mediation extensively. There will be a good balance of action and rest.
Qigong practice typically involves moving meditation, coordinating slow-flowing movement, deep rhythmic breathing, and a calm meditative state of mind. People practice qigong throughout China and worldwide for recreation, exercise, relaxation, preventive medicine, self-healing, alternative medicine, meditation, self-cultivation, and training for martial arts.
Researchers have examined qigong in connection with a wide range of medical conditions (including hypertension, pain, and cancer) and with respect to quality of life.
From 10.30 till 16.30
De Bonte Os, Ingang achterom witte hekje, Noordeinde 26 Monnickendam
Cost :€80
Gironumber: NL22 INGB 0007 3990 75 t.n.v. Maarten Beets
Amstelveen Workshops
1 Februari
5 April9
13.30 – 16.30
MOC Building,
Lindenlaan 75,
1185 LC Amstelveen
40 Euro
3 day summer Chi Kung Taiji Intensive
July 11 – 13
Three days of a balances schedule between relaxation and training. With full focus we will dig deep into the basic principles of Chi Kung and Taiji. There will be theory, training, games and meditation. For full schedule please mail.
Friday: 19.00 – 21.00
Saturday : 9.00 – 21.00
Sunday : 9.00 – 21.00
Address : Zuideinde 26 Monnickendam
Costs : 375 euro
Sword Taiji Intensive
Date yet to be announced
A whole weekend of Sword Taiji:
- Sword Gong fu application
- Spiral qi exploration and embodiment
- Postural correction and strengthening of the movements and postures
- Martial Zen
- Focus training
- Meditation
- This weekend we will enjoy the beautiful form of the sword Taiji form. It is slow, fast, quiet and explosive at moments. Please watch the Youtube for a good impression
Gebouw Samuel, Kerkstraat 34 Monnickendam
Friday 19.00 – 21.00
Saturday & 9Sunday 19.00 – 21.00
Gratis E-book
Mail mij 3 email adressen van eventueel geinteresseerden naar en ontvang gratis het Chi kung en Tai chi e-book ter waarde van €20: